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Furniture for
Restaurants and Hotels

The importance of common areas
to transmit the values of the accommodation activities
you are creating

Have you ever wondered what people look for
when it comes to choosing a hotel during their
their leisure or business trips?

People always appreciate a good place to relax and a place that makes them feel at home. The market for travel, tourism and business travel is constantly expanding.

Customers today pay a lot of attention to comfort, cleanliness, price, architectural structure, location, quality of service and the visual aesthetics of the place. This makes choosing the best interior design element for your hotel very important.

The hotel lounge is one of the first spaces a customer interacts with and it is necessary to design these spaces with quality personalised elements to make them feel comfortable. The hotel lounge is the face of your hotel and a perfect area to attract many new visitors. Therefore, you need to be conscious when choosing elements such as furniture that should be high quality, comfortable, durable and aesthetically pleasing to visitors to this area.

5 tips for sustainable hotel furniture

As hotel operators and their guests are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious, many hotels are turning their attention to sustainable hotel furniture design.

But what is sustainable furniture? And how can you improve the green credentials of your hotel, bar or restaurant? Simply put, sustainable hospitality furniture is produced using eco-friendly principles and materials that aim to minimise negative impacts on the environment. The true level of sustainability in contract furniture depends on a number of factors, but there are a few key tips you can consider.

1. Consider a life cycle assessment

Sustainable furniture designers can use a life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental aspects of a piece of contract furniture throughout its entire life cycle: from raw material extraction to processing, packaging, transport, use and disposal. You can conduct an LCA yourself, or you can choose an outsourcer. Conducting an LCA to consolidate the assessment of sustainable hotel furniture is a good way to reassure yourself that you are actively contributing to a greener hotel or restaurant.

2. Choose eco-friendly materials

Ensuring that eco-friendly raw materials are used during the manufacturing process is crucial and is perhaps the most obvious factor to consider when thinking about sustainable hospitality furniture. It is common to use toxic chemicals to treat fabrics and finish wooden frames. Some of these chemicals can be released into the air, creating a contaminated environment that can have health consequences. It is also important to remember that some hotel rooms are small and poorly ventilated, concentrating the effects of these chemicals, so specifying eco-friendly materials creates a safe atmosphere for both staff and guests.

Some options for eco-friendly materials include:

  • Organic fabrics such as pure virgin wool
  • Unfinished timber
  • Recycled materials
  • Recycled wood, metals and plastics
  • FSC-certified woods from sustainable forests

3. Establish sustainable processes

Production processes have a significant impact on whether your contract furniture design qualifies as sustainable. Many processes use excessive amounts of energy and the resulting pollution alone can negate your other proactive efforts towards sustainability. Fortunately, there are a number of solutions that sustainable furniture designers can consider:

  • Recycle wood, sawdust and cardboard scraps
  • Use formaldehyde-free stains
  • Use low-impact energy sources, such as hydroelectric power
  • Use a waste wood burner to heat the production facility

4. Opt for paints and finishes with low VOC content

As with textiles and materials, paints and finishes can also be toxic. To ensure that paints and finishes are as sustainable as possible, you need to make sure they are made using low VOCs (volatile organic compounds) as high levels of VOCs have been shown to have negative effects on the environment.

5. Create a completely sustainable environment

Whether it’s sustainable restaurant furniture, eco-friendly hotel headboards or contract tables made from recycled wood, investing in environmentally conscious pieces will have a significant impact on preserving the environment. As well as being good for the environment, specifying sustainable hotel furniture can give the interior designer or client the satisfaction of knowing that they are actively contributing to the well-being of the planet with their furniture choices.